Friday, 16 January 2015

Honoring the Dead - even the sullied ones!

So the plan now is to gather a list of interesting places to visit while we are in the UK.
The list is getting longer and longer  - I know that we will just not have enough time to see all that we would like to see - but we will give it our darndest best shot.
A site that was sent to me for further perusal sounds very interesting.


Author John Constable, a local poet and playwright, has begun his own work at Cross Bones. As Constable tells it, he was writing late one night in November, 1996, when he felt overtaken by a character he calls “The Goose,” the spirit of a medieval prostitute. She began dictating what would later become the first poem in Constable’s Southwark Mysteries:

For tonight in Hell
They are tolling the bell
For the Whore that lay at the Tabard,
And well we know
How the carrion crow
Doth feast in our Cross Bones Graveyard.

Constable says that later the same night, “the Goose” took him on a walk through the Southwark streets, whispering more poems, plays and songs in his ears, until the strange tour ended in a vacant lot. According to Constable, he didn’t know the lot contained Cross Bones until several years later. In fact, Constable insists that on that night in 1996, he had never heard of Cross Bones at all. 

Something rather unique about paying your last respects to the "Outcast Dead" of old London town ~ I think they will be nice to us and give us their blessings. I will love to hear their stories - maybe "the Goose" will come and say hello to me too.

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