All I can say is that I feel lucky to be travelling with a nurse as she has helped me get my travel tummy into top gear!
No more information required?
Its always a problem when you change your diet so severely and your body keeps shouting internally going "What the Hell do you think you are doing?"
England and Wales so far have been a test on my stomach - I'm eating way too much and it's all basically bread/pastries/fired crap - yes....typical English fare.
We've been trying to get salad's into our systems and really Tesco (the local Woolies/Coles) has brilliant pre prepared salads for about $4 each.
Being on a tight budget I am always on the look out for a cheaper option - the almighty $$$ is just not stretching far enough to cover everything.
Wales gave us the option of Welsh cakes which were really flat scones with some sultanas in them and a little sweeter. They were served with butter and maybe we just didnt get a good batch.....but I was not terribly thrilled with those.
And the tea was very strong and quite bitter - heaps of sugar and milk made it drinkable.
Heading back to Stratford Upon Avon for some culture in the land where Shakespeare was born saw Gayle buy some Pork Scratchings which were dried pork rind fried to an inch of its life and covered with some sort of flour for added texture.
It was like eating dried crackling except we stopped when we turned up one piece with hair still on it from the poor piggy it came from.
Gayle did enjoy a beautiful Italian Risotto last night across the road at the Pub in York and she said it was delicious!
I was still trying to sure a sick tummy - maybe today I will get adventurous!!