Thursday, 26 March 2015

The suitcase is dusted off and out!

SO...its getting closer.
The suitcase was pulled off the top of the wardrobe yesterday and is sitting there empty right now.

Its all becoming real.
I'll be getting some money exchanged soonish - and worrying that I dont have enough.
But what do I pack to wear?

Do I take a jacket?
Do I take layers?
What's the weather going to be like...
And then...

Hell ...another plane crash - now that doesnt add to my feelings of security for the biggest trip I have taken in 20 years.

I dont know about you - but the idea of sitting in a tin box thousands of km's in the air is rather disconcerting.
Hearing about airline pilots with a death wish does not instill confidence.

But back to the suitcase...
Mine is huge - I am anticipating filling it with English goodies - but how will I get that thing up stairs and into small rooms.
Will it even fit into the boot of the car that we are hiring for the trip?

Maybe I need to rethink this?
I do face coming back and lugging that thing onto a train to get myself back to Newcastle.

Decisions - decisions!

Thursday, 19 March 2015

UPDATE - Only one month to go before we hit England!

Only 720 hours left until the big trip.
Feeling very excited, that's for sure.
One thing that is keeping me grounded is the extra added things to think about when one is slightly more "mature" when traveling.
Point in case - compression stockings!

When I was a lot younger the only thing I would worry about when going flying was whether they would still have my food selection when they got to me for dinner and that I could get a glass of wine.
The wine is now gone - it can give you a headache.

And I made sure I bought a pair of compression stockings making sure my legs dont swell like sausages on the long haul to London.

Then there are the pills to makes sure you can get some sleep amongst the screaming littlies...

The pills to make sure I am not overcome with wind (we have all sat behind a FARTER!)

The pills to make sure you dont suffer from backed up bowel!

Lets not mention feeling like you have been run over by a truck with the change of hemispheres...

But hey...what's a bit of cramping, farting, enlarged veins, and lack of sleep when...